Blog of AlterTax, law firm

Welcome to our tax blog, an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to navigate the complex and ever-changing world of taxation.

Whether you’re a seasoned finance professional, an entrepreneur managing the tax realities of your business, or simply an individual looking to optimize your tax situation, our blog offers valuable insights, practical advice and in-depth analysis.

The fight against money laundering: a system with room for improvement

In its report on developments in France’s anti-money laundering system between 2012 and 2022, published on February 23, 2023, the French Audit Office (Cour des Comptes) takes stock of France’s anti-money laundering system.
While, like the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) in its latest 2022 evaluation report, the Cour des Comptes notes significant progress in the fight against money laundering, certain shortcomings persist.

Patronage and taxes: how to benefit from a tax reduction to support causes close to your heart

Corporate philanthropy is an increasingly common practice in the business world, involving the provision of financial support to associations and foundations, without expecting anything in return. In addition to contributing to philanthropic causes, corporate philanthropy also offers attractive tax benefits for companies. However, it is important to distinguish patronage from sponsorship, which is more of a commercial activity with direct rewards.

Tax rescripts

It is often important to know in advance the position of the tax authorities on a factual situation presented to them, but also, more specifically, on the interpretation of a tax text or measure on which they have no position.

In this sense, a tax rescript is a response from the tax authorities to a question from the taxpayer concerning the interpretation of a tax provision in force, or a factual situation with regard to tax law.

The fight against tax fraud: what action has been taken on the recommendations of the Senate’s fact-finding mission?

In 2022, collections after tax audits reached 14.6 billion euros, i.e. 8.2% and 1.2 billion euros more than in 2021, according to the February 23, 2022 press release from the Ministry of the Economy and Finance.
An opportunity to take stock of the follow-up to the recommendations made by the information mission on the fight against tax fraud and evasion in its report of October 25, 2022.

The different types of tax credits

The OECD in its latest report (dated September 21, 2022) on the evaluation of tax policies revealed that many countries had increased́ the generositý of tax incentives for businesses in order to stimulate investment and innovation, particularly to promote environmental sustainabilitý. This continues with the case of France in the Finance Bill for 2023 allowing for the adaptation of certain schemes to promote the energy transition.

These tax incentives can result in the application of a tax reduction or credit.

For companies, how to deduct your depreciation?

As a sole trader or company director, it is essential that you optimize your company’s tax situation by using deductions on your taxable income.

Depreciation allows you to reduce your taxes by taking into account the loss in value of some of your assets and investments.

How to account for stored production?

The determination of inventory is a fundamental element in accounting for the preparation of annual accounts. From a tax point of view, a stock is a set of goods held by the company which will be used in the production process to make a profit.

Sometimes, the manager is forced to carry out the annual inventory himself.

The Commercial Code obliges every trader to make an inventory of his company at least once a year(C. com. art. L 123-12) which must be communicated to the tax department during a tax audit.

The declaration of profits for liberal professionals

Liberal professionals (lawyers, doctors, authors, artists, sportsmen…) come under the BNC (non commercial profits) regime of article 92 of the CGI. As such, they are required to file annual profit declarations under the “controlled declaration” regime, unless their profits are less than €72,600 excluding tax, which allows them to benefit from the micro BNC regime (provided that the nature of their activity allows them to opt for this regime).

The declaration of profits for traders

Individuals who carry out a commercial, industrial or craft activity are taxed under the industrial and commercial profits regime (BIC). They are taxed according to their importance in micro-BIC, or in the real or simplified real regime. 

How to determine your tax domicile?

To be subject to income tax in France, individuals must have their tax residence in France.

The notion of tax domicile is independent of civil domicile and nationality. Thus, a French person can be considered as not domiciled in France while a foreigner is.  

Tax definitions

Taxation concerns the methods used by governments to collect revenue, mainly through taxes. This section clarifies these concepts, explaining the different types of tax and their impact on individuals and businesses.

Tax base

Tax base The tax base is a central term in the field of taxation, but one that often remains unexplained to the uninitiated. Understanding this concept is essential to grasping how taxes and fiscal...

Tax credit

Tax credit In the complex world of taxation, various mechanisms enable taxpayers to reduce their taxes or benefit from certain advantages. One such mechanism, known in France until 2005, is the...


Unitaid Unitaid is an international initiative that plays a unique and strategic role in the global healthcare system. Founded in 2006, this organization uses innovative financing methods to improve...

Patent Box

Patent Box

Patent Box The Patent Box concept is an increasingly coveted tax option for innovative companies looking to optimize their taxation of income from intellectual property. The aim of this article is...

Language tax

Language tax

Language tax The concept of a language tax may seem foreign at first glance, but it is in line with contemporary tax debates. Let's explore what this notion means, and how it might be relevant in...

Vexatory Tax

Vexatory Tax

Vexatory Tax In tax matters, certain terms immediately arouse interest as well as suspicion. One concept that is particularly controversial isvexatious taxation. But what does the term really mean,...

Capital gains tax

Capital gains tax

Capital gains tax When it comes to investing in assets such as real estate or equities, the prospect of capital gains is often a key objective. However, these profits are not tax-free. In France,...